Turning invisible gases

into useful data

Across applications and categories, Tunable provides an interface between gases and information technology that is widely distributed and easy to use. Our technology propose both better solutions to existing problems, and solutions to problems that are yet to be solved.

Trusted by global well-known brands

Discover Where We Are Making a Difference


Digitally exceeding the sense of smell

Tunable delivers real-time, multigas analysers, combining micro and nanotechnology with infrared spectroscopy to ensure fast, reliable and accurate measurements for any application. Digitally exceeding the sense of smell, we provide decision makers and innovators easy access to mission critical gas data, at an unprecedented level.

Easy to adapt new gases and remotely upgradable

Low maintenance and easy to install

Robust sensors, insensitive to vibrations

Real-time multi-gas analysis: Real-time data for better tracking, decisions, and solutions


Taking miniaturisation to new levels

Tunable’s proprietary gas analyser technology is combining MEMS technology with infrared spectroscopy, making in-line measurement of multiple gasses reliable and simple. Our technology can sense, control and actuate on the micro scale, and generate effects on the macro scale.


An insight into our business

Want to have a talk?

Do you want our support, turning invisible gases into valuable data? Your perspective is of great importance to us, regardless of your interest being traditional multi-gas analysis or the more revolutionary Gas Fingerprint Recognition approach. We're eager to receive your thoughts.