
Major Grant Awarded to N2OCEMS Research Project

We are happy to announce that the Research Council of Norway has awarded a grant of NOK 10 million to the N2OCEMS research project, spearheaded by Tunable. This groundbreaking initiative aims to incorporate the quantification of the potent greenhouse gas N2O, commonly known as laughter gas, in addition to the comprehensive range of gases already reported by the Tunable gas analyzer.

The primary hurdle in this project lies in concurrently measuring N2O and CO2, given the substantially higher concentration of CO2 and the overlapping signals from these two GHGs. The significance of this work lies in ensuring that as fossil fuels are replaced with ammonia for propulsion, the reduction in CO2 emissions is not counteracted by a surge in much more potent N2O emissions.

The project aligns seamlessly with the evolving demands of the shipping industry. As of January 2026, all ships calling at ports in the EU under the EU's Emissions Trading System (ETS) must account for their N2O emissions.


We eagerly anticipate collaborating with Wilhelmsen Ship Service and SINTEF MiNaLab on this challenging yet vital undertaking, solidifying our commitment to addressing environmental concerns.


For further information see news post from the Research Council of (Norway Norges forskningsråd).

Replicating nature´s sense of smell

All human senses, except the Sense of Smell, have been artificially improved, digitalised and miniaturised. Tunable has a groundbreaking solution for a miniaturised analyser replicating nature´s sense of smell.

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